"Meditation is when the mind becomes totally clean and receptive, and Infinity talks to the man." Yogi Bhajan
Meditation in Kundalini Yoga contains specific, practical tools that carefully and precisely support the mind and guide the body through the use of breath, mantra, mudra, and focus. Variety of meditation techniques in Kundalini Yoga is vast (meditations to reduce stress, work on addictions, increase vitality...)
Cleansing the Mind
"Meditation is a process... At any time which is peaceful (the best is early morning before the dawn), you'll be surprised that in a couple of minutes a lot of thougts will start coming to you - the x-rated thoughts, the ugly, angry thoughts. If you let those thoughts pass by, this is meditation. All those thoughts that can pass at that moment of your life can never enter your subconscious mind, and they will not bother you again. This procedure of cleansing the mind is called meditation... It takes about three minutes to get those kinds of thoughts. And sometimes they continute to bug you for about half an hour. But, if you phusically don't move, the mind becomes still. That is the foundation, or the beginning of the meditative mind. Once your mind starts becoming still and not having any thoughts, you will feel cozy, and that coziness cannot be described even by me. All I can tell you is that it is very comfortable, it is very cozy, and you will want to do it again and again. But in the beginning you cannot do it for a long time. Gradually, as you develop that coziness, this thought-hitting process becomes shorter and shorter." Yogi Bhajan